Caterpillar | Disc size reference | |
Part Number | Description | Specifications |
1A3987 | steering clutch disc | steel mating plate, 382x272x2.3, 88 inside teeth |
1B9746 | steering clutch disc | steel mating plate, 393.7x273x2.3, 88 inside teeth |
1C6235 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 444.5×101.6×8.7, lining |
1C6799 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 6k6172, lining |
1H2482 | brake lining | fully organic, 196x101x12.5, lining |
1H2483 | brake lining | fully organic, 196x101x12.5, lining |
1H6172 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 6h2875, lining |
1H8379 | engine brake lining | sintered bronze, 127×31.8×4.7, lining |
1H9436 | clutch disc | fully organic, 273.1×139.7×11.2, 63 outside teeth |
1H9437 | master clutch disc | fully organic, 311.1×158.8×11.2, 72 outside teeth |
1H9898 | master clutch plate | organic facing, 381×203.2×10.2, 16 splines |
1H9899 | master clutch plate | organic facing, 381×203.2×10.2, 16 splines |
1K1478 | master clutch disc | fully organic, 311.1×158.8×11.2, 72 outside teeth |
1K6727 | master clutch disc | fully organic, 221.3×139.7×11.2, 51 outside teeth |
1K6754 | clutch disc | sintered bronze, 166.6×116.6×2.1, 12 outside lugs |
1M8037 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 244x152x9.7, lining |
1N5997 | clutch disc | sintered bronze, 259.6x157x6.2, 52 inside teeth |
1P4110 | power shift transmission disc | sintered bronze, 381x300x5.6, 96 inside teeth |
1P6996 | steering clutch disc | sintered bronze, 412.2×292.1×4.7, 128 outside teeth |
1P9256 | clutch disc | steel mating plate, 224.8×177.7×3.0, 70 outside teeth |
1S0057 | power shift transmission disc | steel mating plate, 343x210x6.3, 6 outside lugs |
1S1361 | clutch disc | steel mating plate, 368.3x273x3.6, 8 inside lugs |
1S3733 | power shift transmission disc | sintered bronze, 353.1×229.4×5.6, 74 inside teeth |
1S3736 | power shift transmission disc | sintered bronze, 482.6×388.4×5.6, 124 inside teeth |
1S3737 | power shift transmission disc | sintered bronze, 286.1×204.7×5.1, 65 inside teeth |
1S3739 | power shift transmission disc | sintered bronze, 381x300x5.6, 96 inside teeth |
1S8183 | master clutch disc | sintered bronze, 355.6×200.2×7.1, 64 inside teeth |
1S8184 | master clutch disc | sintered bronze, 444.5×292.9×7.1, 94 inside teeth |
1S8491 | master clutch disc | sintered bronze, 311.2×192.5×5.0, 62 inside teeth |
1S8492 | power shift transmission disc | sintered bronze, 353.1×229.9×5.6, 74 inside teeth |
1V8279 | master clutch disc | sintered iron, 311.2×192.9×5, 62 inside teeth |
1V8280 | master clutch disc | steel mating plate, 327.9×209.4×6.4, 102 outside teeth |
1W8855 | clutch disc | fully organic, 385x250x15.8, 59 outside teeth |
2A3616 | clutch disc | steel mating plate, 75.9×35.2×1.6, 3 inner slats |
2A4444 | engine brake disc | sintered bronze, 113.1×44.4×3.4, 34 outside teeth |
2B3788 | steering clutch disc | sintered bronze, 412.0×292.1×4.7, 128 outside teeth |
2B5197 | steering clutch disc | steel mating plate, 317.5×196.9×2.3, 64 inside teeth |
2B5199 | steering clutch disc | sintered bronze, 335.8×215.9×6.0, 104 outside teeth |
2B8955 | steering clutch disc | steel mating plate, 288.9×193.7×2.3, 63 inside teeth |
2B9748 | master clutch facing | fully organic, 114.3×71.4×8.0, 2sectors |
2D0377 | master clutch plate | organic facing, 381×203.2×10.2, 16 splines |
2D0378 | master clutch plate | organic facing, 381×203.2×10.2, 16 splines |
2D2922 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 327x177x19.1, lining |
2F8621 | steering clutch disc | sintered bronze, 384.7×292.6×4.7, 120 outside teeth |
2G5762 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 327x177x19.1, lining |
2G5763 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 327x177x19.1, lining |
2G9908 | brake disc | paper facing, 255.6×168.4×2.8, 54 inside teeth |
2G9909 | brake disc | paper facing, 306×198.6×3.5, 64 inside teeth |
2G9911 | brake disc | paper facing, 408x274x3.8, 88 inside teeth |
2H6121 | master clutch disc | sintered bronze, 355.6×200.2×7.1, 64 inside teeth |
2H6936 | steering clutch disc | steel mating plate, 289x194x2.3, 8 inside lugs |
2J5262 | clutch disc | sintered bronze, 435.5×321.5×4.7, 136 outside teeth |
2J5263 | clutch disc | steel mating plate, 419.1×297.5×2.3, 96 inside teeth |
2J5513 | clutch disc | sintered bronze, 384.7×292.6×4.7, 120 outside teeth |
2J6659 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 327x177x19.1, lining |
2K5706 | power shift transmission disc | sintered bronze, 285.8×204.2×5, 66 inside teeth |
2L1752 | clutch disc | steel mating plate, 203.2×122.8×2.3, 40 inside teeth |
2L1753 | clutch disc | sintered bronze, 236x139x3.1, 12 outside lugs |
2M2179 | power shift transmission disc | steel mating plate, 407.7x247x6.4, 6 outside lugs |
2M8911 | steering clutch disc | sintered bronze, 457.2×342.9×4.7, 142 outside teeth |
2M8912 | steering clutch disc | steel mating plate, 438.2×324.6×2.4, 8 inside lugs |
2N2428 | clutch disc | sintered bronze, 112.3×71.3×2.1, 68 outside teeth |
2P2903 | power shift transmission disc | steel mating plate, 306.3×213.4×6.4, 5 outside lugs |
2P3719 | power shift transmission disc | paper facing, 215.8×168.5×2.9, 54 inside teeth |
2P4370 | clutch disc | steel mating plate, 268.0×173.6×3.2, 56 inside teeth |
2P4371 | clutch disc | paper facing, 277.7×189.0x3.3, 75(87) outside teeth |
2P4472 | power shift transmission disc | steel mating plate, 411.5×317.5×6.35, 5 outside lugs |
2P9314 | power shift transmission disc | grafitic, 362.2×241.5×6.2, 12 outside lugs |
2P9343 | clutch disc | paper facing, 277.7×189.0x3.3, 75(87) outside teeth |
2P9884 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 223x69x10, lining |
2S1456 | power shift transmission disc | sintered bronze, 285.8×204.2×5.0, 66 inside teeth |
2S3932 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 222.3x152x5.1, lining |
2S4297 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 5s1513, lining |
2S4983 | power shift transmission disc | paper facing, 277.9×209.5×5, 87 outside teeth |
2S5736 | power shift transmission disc | steel mating plate, 481.7×355.6×6.7, 6 outside lugs |
2S8582 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 8s2515, lining |
2S8583 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 265x102x9.7, lining |
2S8585 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 244x152x9.7, lining |
2V7268 | brake disc | paper facing, 462.6x299x5.1, 60 inside teeth |
2V7269 | brake disc | steel mating plate, 487.1×308.1×2.4, 94 outside teeth |
2V9135 | disc brake pad | organic facing, 277.0×85.0x22.5, brakepad |
2Y4654 | master clutch disc | sintered bronze, 355.6×200.2×7.1, 64 inside teeth |
2Y5134 | steering clutch disc | sintered bronze, 304.8×212.9×4.3, 95 outside teeth |
3B0641 | brake lining | fully organic, 140.5×76.2×6.4, lining |
3B7974 | steering clutch disc | sintered bronze, 412.0×292.1×4.7, 128 outside teeth |
3F4873 | engine brake facing | sintered bronze, 355.6×203.2×4.0, facing |
3F5504 | steering clutch disc | sintered bronze, 305×212.8×4.7, 95 outside teeth |
3F6633 | brake lining kit | fully organic, use 2x5h2309, |
3F9073 | steering clutch disc | steel mating plate, 288.9×193.7×2.3, 63 inside teeth |
3H2725 | master clutch disc | steel mating plate, 468.1×311.1×6.4, 72 outside teeth |
3J1151 | clutch disc | sintered bronze, 359×269.2×4.7, 122 outside teeth |
3J1152 | clutch disc | steel mating plate, 345.4×246.6×2.3, 80 inside teeth |
3J2503 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 8w8699, lining |
3J2504 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 8w8699, lining |
3J9376 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 3j9620, lining |
3J9620 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 177.8x19x371.6, lining |
3K2299 | power shift transmission disc | sintered bronze, 331.4×244.9×5.0, 78 inside teeth |
3K3105 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 444.4×101.6×8.7, lining |
3K3825 | power shift transmission disc | sintered bronze, 265.1×173.6×4.1, 56 inside teeth |
3L3274 | clutch disc | steel mating plate, 279.4×171.5×3.8, 64 outside teeth |
3L8440 | clutch disc | sintered bronze, 236x139x3.1, 12 outside lugs |
3N2155 | clutch disc | steel mating plate, 330.1x230x6.35, 74 inside teeth |
3N7952 | clutch disc | fully organic, 311×158.8×11.2, 72 outside teeth |
3P0337 | power shift transmission disc | steel mating plate, 215.9×155.8×2.8, 24 inside teeth |
3P0340 | power shift transmission disc | paper facing, 225.1×164.4×4.3, 32 outside teeth |
3P0392 | clutch disc | paper facing, 280.4x200x4.3, 40 outside teeth |
3P0801 | clutch disc | steel mating plate, 224.9×177.8×4.8, 32 outside lugs |
3P0805 | power shift transmission disc | paper facing, 215.2×168.2×3, 54 inside teeth |
3P1686 | power shift transmission disc | steel mating plate, 577.3×452.3×6.35, 6 outside lugs |
3P1687 | power shift transmission disc | steel mating plate, 577.3×464.3×6.35, 6 outside lugs |
3P2346 | power shift transmission disc | steel mating plate, 477×355.6×6.7, 6 outside lugs |
3P2855 | clutch disc | steel mating plate, 268.2×191.1×2.8, 28 inside teeth |
3P3241 | master clutch disc | steel mating plate, 369.9×222.3×6.35, 72 outside teeth |
3P3561 | power shift transmission disc | sintered bronze, 381×299.5×5.6, 96 inside teeth |
3P4057 | power shift transmission disc | steel mating plate, 529.6×407.5×6.7, 6 outside lugs |
3P5431 | power shift transmission disc | grafitic, 284.2×204.3×5, 65 inside teeth |
3P5955 | power shift transmission disc | sintered bronze, 311.2×252.5×5.0, 101 inside teeth |
3P6183 | power shift transmission disc | grafitic, 433×337.7×5.6, 80 inside teeth |
3P7447 | power shift transmission disc | steel mating plate, 481x356x6.8, 6 outside lugs |
3P7489 | power shift transmission disc | steel mating plate, 298.3×223.5×3.2, 40 outside teeth |
3P8393 | power shift transmission disc | steel mating plate, 306.3×213.4×6.4, 5 outside lugs |
3P9403 | power shift transmission disc | sintered bronze, 264.9x189x4.65, 81 inside teeth |
3P9405 | power shift transmission disc | steel mating plate, 306.3×213.4×6.4, 5 outside lugs |
3S0044 | power shift transmission disc | steel mating plate, 342.2x223x6.4, 5 outside lugs |
3S1168 | power shift transmission disc | steel mating plate, 353.1×263.1×6.4, 5 outside lugs |
3S1188 | power shift transmission disc | sintered bronze, 311.2×252.5×5.0, 101 inside teeth |
3S1691 | steering clutch disc | steel mating plate, 368.3x273x2.3, 8 inside lugs |
3S2671 | power shift transmission disc | sintered bronze, 431.8×337.8×5.6, 80 inside teeth |
3S5703 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 244x152x9.7, lining |
3S7978 | power shift transmission disc | steel mating plate, 306×213.4×6.4, 5 outside lugs |
3S7981 | power shift transmission disc | sintered bronze, 264.9x189x4.65, 81 inside teeth |
3T0618 | power shift transmission disc | grafitic, 284.2×204.3×5, 65 inside teeth |
3T4026 | power shift transmission disc | paper facing, 281.8×220.1×4.9, 61 inside teeth |
3T6338 | power shift transmission disc | paper facing, 225.6x156x2.85, 50 inside teeth |
3T9293 | clutch disc | sintered bronze, 112.3×71.3×2.1, 68 outside teeth |
3T9960 | power shift transmission disc | paper facing, 184.8×125.9×4.9, 35 inside teeth |
3T9961 | power shift transmission disc | paper facing, 281.8×220.1×4.9, 61 inside teeth |
3V5465 | disc brake pad | organic facing, 180x72x22.5, brakepad |
3Y0076 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 205x76x9.5, lining |
3Y7363 | master clutch disc | sintered bronze, 355.6×200.2×7.1, 64 inside teeth |
4B1969 | master clutch disc | fully organic, 371.1×139.7×12.7, 57 outside teeth |
4B3450 | master clutch disc | fully organic, 327.4x127x9.4, 60 outside teeth |
4B3532 | steering clutch disc | steel mating plate, 241.3×158.8×1.6, 77 inside teeth |
4B3533 | steering clutch disc | sintered bronze, 255.6×171.5×4.7, 119 outside teeth |
4B3534 | master clutch facing | fully organic, 241.3×171.5×3.2 |
4B4801 | clutch disc | fully organic, 385x235x15.8, 59 outside teeth |
4B4922 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 5h2303 |
4B4982 | steering clutch disc | sintered bronze, 384.7×292.6×4.7, 120 outside teeth |
4B9442 | master clutch disc | fully organic, 415.5×152.4×14.3, 64 outside teeth |
4B9443 | master clutch disc | fully organic, 441×203.2×14.3, 68 outside teeth |
4D4021 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 445.8×98.4×9.5, lining |
4D5759 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 445.8×98.4×9.5, lining |
4F1114 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 63.5×6.4×390, 3x5f1093 |
4F2414 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 63.5×6.4×390, 3x5f1094 |
4F4123 | engine brake facing | sintered bronze, 196.9×114.3×4.7, facing |
4H2922 | master clutch disc | sintered bronze, 444.4×292.9×7.1, 94 inside teeth |
4H2923 | master clutch disc | sintered bronze, 355.6×200.2×7.1, 64 inside teeth |
4H4965 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 5h2311, lining |
4H4966 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 5h2311, lining |
4H4970 | brake lining kit | fully organic, use 2x5h2311 |
4K1317 | steering clutch disc | steel mating plate, 288.5x194x2.0, 8 inside lugs |
4K1323 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 4k3898 |
4K1333 | steering clutch disc | sintered bronze, 304.8×212.9×4.3, 95 outside teeth |
4K3898 | 205x76x9.5, lining | |
4K6769 | bel. to 4k3898 | |
4L3527 | clutch disc | fully organic, 385×177.8×15.8, 59 outside teeth |
4L9785 | clutch disc | sintered bronze, 164x103x2.8, 76 outside teeth |
4M1625 | power shift transmission disc | steel mating plate, 529.6×407.5×6.7, 6 outside lugs |
4M5863 | power shift transmission disc | sintered bronze, 533.4×445.6×5.6, 142 inside teeth |
4M7098 | power shift transmission disc | sintered bronze, 431.8×337.7×5.6, 108 inside teeth |
4M7124 | power shift transmission disc | sintered bronze, 482.6×388.4×5.6, 124 inside teeth |
4M7848 | power shift transmission disc | sintered bronze, 482.6×388.4×5.6, 74 inside teeth |
4M8914 | power shift transmission disc | steel mating plate, 306.3x189x6.4, 5 outside lugs |
4S5149 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 5s4931, lining |
4S5169 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 5s4933, lining |
4S5891 | clutch disc | steel mating plate, 268.2×199.8×2.9, 64 inside teeth |
4S8694 | power shift transmission disc | sintered bronze, 286.1×204.7×5.1, 65 inside teeth |
4S8724 | power shift transmission disc | sintered bronze, 286.1×204.7×5.1, 65 inside teeth |
4S9072 | master clutch disc | sintered bronze, 355.6×200.2×7.1, 64 inside teeth |
4S9073 | master clutch disc | sintered bronze, 444.5×292.9×7.1, 94 inside teeth |
4S9074 | master clutch disc | sintered bronze, 355.6×200.2×7.1, 64 inside teeth |
4S9075 | master clutch disc | sintered bronze, 444.5×292.9×7.1, 94 inside teeth |
4V2245 | brake lining | fully organic, 239.7×19.1×6.4, lining |
4V7061 | disc brake pad | organic facing, 397x125x28.5, brakepad |
4V7062 | disc brake pad | organic facing, 397x125x28.5, brakepad |
4V8416 | disc brake pad | organic facing, 325.5×101.5×28, brakepad |
4V8417 | disc brake pad | organic facing, 325.5×101.5×28, brakepad |
4V9944 | brake lining | fully organic, 165.1×38.1×6.4, lining |
5A9984 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 5a9992, lining |
5A9985 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 5a9992, lining |
5A9986 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 5a9992, lining |
5A9992 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 185.7×88.9×6.4, lining |
5D6327 | brake disc | steel mating plate, 515×328.7×2.4, 100 outside teeth |
5D6328 | brake disc | cork, 515×328.7×6.9, 100 outside teeth |
5D6329 | brake disc | paper facing, 495.3x306x5.2, 62 inside teeth |
5F1015 | brake lining kit | fully organic, use 2x5h2303 |
5F1016 | brake lining kit | fully organic, use 2x5h6031 |
5F1093 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 4f1114 |
5F1094 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 4f2414 |
5F7048 | master clutch disc | fully organic, 371.6×139.7×17.5, 57 outside teeth |
5G0843 | bel. to 6k6172/6s8896, lining | |
5G0844 | bel. to 6k6172/6s8896, lining | |
5H0047 | master clutch disc | steel mating plate, 400×241.3×6.4, 78 outside teeth |
5H0048 | master clutch disc | clutch disc, 381×197.5×5.5, 64 inside teeth |
5H1804 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 327x177x19.1, lining |
5H2303 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 266.7×76.2×6.4, lining |
5H2307 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 185.7×88.9×6.4, lining |
5H2307 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 185.7×88.9×6.4, lining |
5H2309 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 2×83831+4×83832, lining |
5H2311 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 101.6×9.5×196.3, lining |
5H2313 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 101.6×9.5×196.3, lining |
5H3261 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 6h2875, lining |
5H5274 | master clutch disc | sintered bronze, 304.8×155.6×7.1, 50 inside teeth |
5H6029 | brake lining | fully organic, 76.2×6.4×140.5, lining |
5H6030 | brake lining | fully organic, 76.2×6.4×140.5, lining |
5H6031 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 2x5h6029 + 4x5h6030, lining |
5H6551 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 495×152.4×12.7, lining |
5H6966 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 8m2136 |
5H8530 | steering clutch disc | sintered bronze, 255.6×171.5×4.7, 119 outside teeth |
5H9321 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 6h1458, lining |
5K0664 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 237.7×101.5×18.6, lining |
5K0664 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 237.7×101.5×20.0, lining |
5K0664 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 237.7×101.5×21.5, lining |
5K1903 | master clutch disc | sintered bronze, 304.8×155.6×7.1, 50 inside teeth |
5K4587 | master clutch disc | sintered bronze, 304.8×155.6×7.1, 50 inside teeth |
5K8616 | steering clutch disc | steel mating plate, 288.5x194x2.0, 8 inside lugs |
5K8617 | steering clutch disc | paper facing, 304.8×212.9×3.8, 95 outside teeth |
5M1199 | steering clutch disc | sintered bronze, 384.6×291.3×4.7, 120 outside teeth |
5M1970 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 495×152.4×12.7, lining |
5M2096 | power shift transmission disc | steel mating plate, 577.3×464.3×6.4, 6 outside lugs |
5M6122 | power shift transmission disc | sintered bronze, 381x300x5.6, 96 inside teeth |
5M8738 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 8m2136 |
5M8739 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 8m2136 |
5M8740 | bel. to 8m2136 | |
5N1884 | clutch disc | steel mating plate, 203.2×122.8×2.3, 40 inside teeth |
5N3342 | clutch disc | sintered bronze, 348.1×254.1×4.7, 54 outside teeth |
5N3343 | clutch disc | sintered bronze, 444×292.8×8.6, 94 inside teeth |
5N6137 | clutch disc | sintered bronze, 236x139x3.1, 12 outside lugs |
5S0071 | steering clutch disc | sintered bronze, 384.6×291.3×4.7, 120 outside teeth |
5S1513 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 265x102x9.7, lining |
5S1608 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 5s1609, |
5S1609 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 244x152x9.7, lining |
5S1610 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 5s1612, lining |
5S1611 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 5s1612, lining |
5S1612 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 222.3x152x9.7, lining |
5S4930 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 5s4931, lining |
5S4931 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 244x152x9.7, lining |
5S4932 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 5s4933, lining |
5S4933 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 222.3x152x5.1, lining |
5S5658 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 8s2515, lining |
5S5715 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 5s5716, lining |
5S5716 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 244x152x9.7, lining |
5S5717 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 5s5716, lining |
5S7830 | power shift transmission disc | sintered bronze, 533.4×435.1×5.6, 138 inside teeth |
5V0009 | brake disc | steel mating plate, 487.1×308.1×2.4, 94 outside teeth |
5V0593 | steering clutch disc | sintered bronze, 304.8×212.9×4.3, 95 outside teeth |
5V4245 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 3y0076, lining |
5V4246 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 3y0076, lining |
5V4259 | 205x76x9.5, lining | |
6B0187 | clutch disc | fully organic, 221.4×139.7×11.2, 51 outside teeth |
6B4108 | master clutch segment | sintered bronze, 444.5×196.9×4.7, 1/6 segment |
6B4191 | engine brake facing | sintered bronze, 266.7×190.5×4.7, facing |
6B4341 | engine brake facing | sintered bronze, 355.6×203.2×4.0, facing |
6B9192 | master clutch segment | sintered bronze, 342.9×139.7×4.7, 1/6 segment |
6B9192 | master clutch segment | fully organic, 342.9×139.7×4.7, 1/6 segment |
6D2089 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 3j9620, lining |
6D2348 | master clutch disc | cork, 381×197.5×5.5, 64 inside teeth |
6D2358 | clutch disc | paper facing, 105.9×43.3×2.5, 18 inside teeth |
6D4535 | clutch disc | steel mating plate, 118.7×74.7x.08, 46 outside teeth |
6D4536 | clutch disc | paper facing, 111.6x70x2.1, 45 inside teeth |
6D8977 | clutch disc | paper facing, 106×46.2×2.5, 30 inside teeth |
6G1728 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 3j9620, lining |
6H1162 | engine brake lining | sintered bronze, 127×31.8×4.7, lining |
6H1458 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 76.2×6.4×99.6, lining |
6H2839 | power shift transmission disc | steel mating plate, 577.3×452.3×6.4, |
6H2875 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 152.4×12.7×90.9, lining |
6I9255 | power shift transmission disc | grafitic, 284.2×204.3×5, 65 inside teeth |
6K1923 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 127×19.05×296.9, lining |
6K6170 | bel. to 6k6172, lining | |
6K6172 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 134.6×75.9×6.3, lining |
6K6466 | master clutch disc | sintered bronze, 304.8×155.6×7.1, 50 inside teeth |
6L2179 | clutch disc | steel mating plate, 152.4×92.5×1.6, 45 inside teeth |
6L9719 | clutch disc | steel mating plate, 101.6×64.8×1.6, 42 inside teeth |
6P5404 | steering clutch disc | steel mating plate, 409.9x292x2.3, 128 outside teeth |
6P5615 | power shift transmission disc | steel mating plate, 577.3×452.3×6.35, 6 outside lugs |
6P7968 | clutch disc | steel mating plate, 197×139.1×3.2, 28 outside teeth |
6S3183 | steering clutch disc | fully organic, 303.5x213x4.9, 71 outside teeth |
6S8896 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 134.6×75.9×6.3, lining |
6T2697 | power shift transmission disc | grafitic, 433×337.7×5.6, 80 inside teeth |
6T3080 | steering clutch disc | steel mating plate, 409.9x292x2.3, 128 outside teeth |
6T4944 | clutch disc | paper facing, 277.7×189.0x3.3, 75(87) outside teeth |
6T7013 | brake disc | paper facing, 715.8×511.4×5.2, 102 inside teeth |
6T7014 | brake disc | paper facing, 495.3x308x5.2, 62 inside teeth |
6T7015 | brake disc | paper facing, 462.6×299.0x5.1, 60 inside teeth |
6T8686 | power shift transmission disc | paper facing, 215.8×168.5×2.9, 54 inside teeth |
6T8886 | steering clutch disc | steel mating plate, 393.7×273.8×2.5, 8 inside lugs |
6Y0063 | power shift transmission disc | grafitic, 433×337.7×5.6, 80 inside teeth |
6Y1320 | power shift transmission disc | steel mating plate, 380x284x5, 5 outside lugs |
6Y1936 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 5h2307, lining |
6Y1937 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 5h2307, lining |
6Y1938 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 5h2307, lining |
6Y1947 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 6h2875, lining |
6Y1948 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 5h2311, lining |
6Y1949 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 5h2311, lining |
6Y1954 | brake lining | fully organic, 196x101x12.5, lining |
6Y1955 | brake lining | fully organic, 196x101x12.5, lining |
6Y2027 | power shift transmission disc | paper facing, 311.2×252.9×5.0, 101 inside teeth |
6Y2196 | engine brake lining | sintered bronze, 104.9×38.1×4.7, lining |
6Y2197 | engine brake lining | sintered bronze, 127×31.8×4.7, lining |
6Y2367 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 5s4931, lining |
6Y2368 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 5s4931, lining |
6Y2370 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 8s2515, lining |
6Y2381 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 7s9675, lining |
6Y2382 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 7s9676, lining |
6Y2383 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 7s9676, lining |
6Y2384 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 7s9675, lining |
6Y4912 | steering clutch disc | fully organic, 303.5x213x4.9, 71 outside teeth |
6Y5348 | power shift transmission disc | paper facing, 277.9×209.5×5.0, 87 outside teeth |
6Y5352 | power shift transmission disc | paper facing, 281.8×220.1×4.9, 61 inside teeth |
6Y5911 | power shift transmission disc | paper facing, 345.1x271x5.5, 75 inside teeth |
6Y5912 | power shift transmission disc | paper facing, 240×172.6×5, 48 inside teeth |
6Y5914 | power shift transmission disc | paper facing, 215.2×168.2×3, 54 inside teeth |
6Y5915 | power shift transmission disc | paper facing, 265.1×201.9×4.8, 81 inside teeth |
6Y5916 | power shift transmission disc | paper facing, 381x300x5.6, 96 inside teeth |
6Y7160 | steering clutch disc | sintered bronze, 384.7×292.6×4.7, 120 outside teeth |
6Y7161 | master clutch disc | fully organic, 371.6×139.7×17.5, 57 outside teeth |
6Y7164 | bel. to 6k6172/6s8896, lining | |
6Y7167 | master clutch facing | fully organic, 241.3×171.5×3.2, |
6Y7169 | master clutch segment | sintered bronze, 342.9×139.7×4.7, 1/6 segment |
6Y7169 | master clutch segment | fully organic, 342.9×139.7×4.7, 1/6 segment |
6Y7177 | master clutch facing | fully organic, 114.3×71.4×8, |
6Y7914 | steering clutch disc | paper facing, 304.8×212.9×3.8, 95 outside teeth |
6Y7915 | brake disc | paper facing, 255.6×168.4×2.8, 54 inside teeth |
6Y7916 | brake disc | paper facing, 306×198.6×3.5, 64 inside teeth |
6Y7917 | brake disc | paper facing, 408x274x3.8, 88 inside teeth |
6Y7918 | clutch disc | paper facing, 315.2x254x2.9, 152 outside teeth |
6Y7920 | clutch disc | paper facing, 277.7×189.0x3.3, 75(87) outside teeth |
6Y7921 | power shift transmission disc | paper facing, 225.1×164.6×4.3, 32 outside teeth |
6Y7923 | clutch disc | paper facing, 280.4x200x4.3, 40 outside teeth |
6Y7935 | power shift transmission disc | paper facing, 215.8×168.5×2.9, 54 inside teeth |
6Y7954 | power shift transmission disc | paper facing, 225.6x156x2.85, 50 inside teeth |
6Y7961 | clutch disc | paper facing, 106×46.2×2.5, 30 inside teeth |
6Y7962 | clutch disc | paper facing, 105.9×43.3×2.5, 18 inside teeth |
6Y7964 | clutch disc | paper facing, 111.6x70x2.1, 45 inside teeth |
6Y7977 | clutch disc | sintered bronze, 384.7×292.6×4.7, 120 outside teeth |
6Y7981 | power shift transmission disc | paper facing, 225.1×164.6×4.3, 32 outside teeth |
6Y8844 | power shift transmission disc | paper facing, 225.1×164.6×4.3, 32 outside teeth |
6Y9373 | power shift transmission disc | grafitic, 394.2×273.1×4.7, 88 inside teeth |
7B1896 | master clutch segment | sintered bronze, 457.2×203.2×4.7, 1/8 segment |
7B1896 | master clutch segment | fully organic, 457.0×203.2×4.7, 118 segment |
7B4971 | master clutch segment | sintered bronze, 444.5×196.9×4.7, 1/6 segment |
7D3012 | brake disc | steel mating plate, 738×539.5×2.5, 144 outside teeth |
7D3013 | brake disc | cork, 738×539.5×6.9, 144 outside teeth |
7D3014 | brake disc | paper facing, 715.8×511.4×5.2, 102 inside teeth |
7D7504 | brake disc | steel mating plate, 515.0×328.7×2.4, 100 outside teeth |
7D7671 | brake disc | steel mating plate, 738×539.5×2.5, 144 outside teeth |
7D8185 | clutch disc | steel mating plate, 232.4x170x1.4, 91 outside teeth |
7D8434 | brake disc | steel mating plate, 322.8×226.6×1.9, 100 outside teeth |
7F2952 | master clutch facing | sintered iron, 457.2×203.2×3.2, facing |
7F3602 | master clutch facing | sintered bronze, 457.2×203.2×4.7, facing |
7F4597 | master clutch facing | sintered bronze, 381×203.2×4.0, facing |
7F7591 | brake lining kit | fully organic, use 2x5h2307, lining |
7F8203 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 327x177x19.1, lining |
7G0437 | clutch disc | steel mating plate, 336x233x3.2, 6 outside lugs |
7G3129 | power shift transmission disc | paper facing, 345.1x271x5.5, 75 inside teeth |
7G5377 | clutch disc | steel mating plate, 154.2×113.8×1.8, 60 outside teeth |
7H2060 | steering clutch disc | steel mating plate, 393.7×273.8×2.3, 8 inside lugs |
7H2118 | steering clutch disc | sintered bronze, 412.2×292.1×4.7, 128 outside teeth |
7H3338 | clutch disc | steel mating plate, 98.5×35.3×3.3, 3 inner slats |
7H6969 | clutch disc | sintered bronze, 113.2×44.6×3.4, 34 outside teeth |
7K4941 | disc brake pad | organic facing, 180x72x22.5, brakepad |
7K5057 | disc brake pad | organic facing, 277.0×85.0x22.5, brakepad |
7L4028 | clutch disc | sintered bronze, 189.5×117.6×3.1, 88 outside teeth |
7L4030 | clutch disc | steel mating plate, 177.8×106.7×2.4, 52 inside teeth |
7L7782 | clutch disc | sintered bronze, 164x103x2.8, 76 outside teeth |
7M1385 | power shift transmission disc | sintered bronze, 533.4×435.1×5.6, 138 inside teeth |
7M5713 | power shift transmission disc | sintered bronze, 431.8×337.7×5.6, 108 inside teeth |
7M5745 | power shift transmission disc | sintered bronze, 533.4×435.1×5.6, 138 inside teeth |
7M5760 | power shift transmission disc | sintered bronze, 533.4×435.1×5.6, 138 inside teeth |
7S3992 | master clutch disc | sintered iron, 311.2×192.5×5.0, 62 inside teeth |
7S9673 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 7s9675, lining |
7S9674 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 7s9676, lining |
7S9675 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 233x69x10, lining |
7S9676 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 233x69x10, lining |
7T2336 | power shift transmission disc | sintered bronze, 381.0×299.5×5.6, 96 inside teeth |
7T2476 | power shift transmission disc | grafitic, 284.2×204.3×5, 65 inside teeth |
7T2629 | brake disc | paper facing, 715.8×511.4×5.2, 102 inside teeth |
7T5481 | clutch disc | sintered bronze, 444×292.8×8.6, 94 inside teeth |
7T5726 | power shift transmission disc | grafitic, 394.2×273.1×4.7, 88 inside teeth |
7T7067 | brake disc | paper facing, 495.3x308x5.2, 62 inside teeth |
8B0831 | brake lining | fully organic, 88.9×6.4×185.7, lining |
8B0832 | brake lining | fully organic, 88.9×6.4×185.7, lining |
8B2864 | steering clutch disc | sintered bronze, use 2f8621, 120 outside teeth |
8B3219 | master clutch segment | sintered bronze, 342.9×139.7×4.7, 1/6 segment |
8B3219 | master clutch segment | fully organic, 342.9×139.7×4.7, 1/6 segment |
8B4172 | master clutch segment | sintered bronze, 342.9×139.7×4.7, 1/6 segment |
8B4172 | master clutch segment | fully organic, 342.9×139.7×4.7, 1/6 segment |
8B6073 | master clutch segment | sintered bronze, 444.5×196.9×4.7, 1/6 segment |
8B6075 | master clutch segment | sintered bronze, 457.2×203.2×4.7, 1/8 segment |
8B6075 | master clutch segment | fully organic, 457.0×203.2×4.7, 1/8 segment |
8D1647 | brake disc | paper facing, 407.9×274.1×3.8, 88 inside teeth |
8D1648 | brake disc | steel mating plate, 422.6×302.6×2.3, 132 outside teeth |
8D2421 | brake disc | paper facing, 306.7×198.3×3.5, 64 inside teeth |
8D4236 | power shift transmission disc | paper facing, 225.6x156x2.85, 50 inside teeth |
8D8794 | brake disc | steel mating plate, 276.9×187.5×1.5, 86 outside teeth |
8D8796 | brake disc | paper facing, 255.6×168.4×2.5, 54 inside teeth |
8E1204 | clutch disc | paper facing, 280.4x200x4.3, 40 outside teeth |
8E4075 | steering clutch disc | fully organic, 303.5x213x4.9, 71 outside teeth |
8E5820 | engine brake lining | sintered bronze, 127×31.8×4.7, lining |
8E7619 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 222.3x152x5.1, lining |
8E7647 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 265x102x9.7, lining |
8F4453 | steering clutch disc | steel mating plate, 393.7×273.8×2.5, 8 inside lugs |
8F8064 | master clutch facing | fully organic, 289×212.7×3.2, facing |
8H1032 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 6h2875, lining |
8H1331 | steering clutch disc | sintered bronze, 412.2×292.1×4.7, 128 outside teeth |
8L5858 | clutch disc | sintered bronze, 259.6x157x6.2, 51 inside teeth |
8M2136 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 495.3×152.4×12.7, lining |
8M2476 | power shift transmission disc | sintered bronze, 265.1×173.6×4.1, 56 inside teeth |
8M5046 | power shift transmission disc | sintered bronze, 431.8×337.7×5.6, 108 inside teeth |
8M5047 | power shift transmission disc | sintered bronze, 533.4×445.1×5.6, 138 inside teeth |
8M5070 | power shift transmission disc | sintered bronze, 533.4×445.6×5.6, 142 inside teeth |
8M5136 | power shift transmission disc | sintered bronze, 265.1×173.6×4.6, 56 inside teeth |
8M6357 | power shift transmission disc | sintered bronze, 265.1×173.6×4.1, 56 inside teeth |
8M6358 | power shift transmission disc | sintered bronze, 431.8×337.7×5.6, 108 inside teeth |
8M8550 | power shift transmission disc | sintered bronze, 431.8×337.7×5.6, 108 inside teeth |
8M8610 | power shift transmission disc | steel mating plate, 477×355.6×6.7, 6 outside lugs |
8M8651 | power shift transmission disc | steel mating plate, 411.5×317.5×6.4, 5 outside lugs |
8P1656 | power shift transmission disc | steel mating plate, 353.1×263.1×6.35, 5 outside lugs |
8P1964 | power shift transmission disc | steel mating plate, 252.7x186x4, 36 outside teeth |
8P2051 | power shift transmission disc | steel mating plate, 380x284x5, 5 outside lugs |
8P4316 | power shift transmission disc | sintered bronze, 393.7×273.4×4.7, 88 inside teeth |
8P4736 | power shift transmission disc | sintered bronze, 533.4×435.1×5.6, 138 inside teeth |
8P5646 | power shift transmission disc | sintered bronze, 431.8×337.7×5.6, 108 inside teeth |
8P5687 | power shift transmission disc | steel mating plate, 481.7×355.6×6.7, 6 outside lugs |
8P8360 | power shift transmission disc | grafitic, 393.7×273.4×4.7, 88 inside teeth |
8P8679 | power shift transmission disc | paper facing, 381x300x5.6, 96 inside teeth |
8P8680 | power shift transmission disc | paper facing, 311.2×252.9×5.0, 101 inside teeth |
8P8681 | power shift transmission disc | paper facing, 277.9×209.5×5.0, 87 outside teeth |
8P8682 | power shift transmission disc | paper facing, 215.2×168.2×3, 54 inside teeth |
8P8683 | power shift transmission disc | paper facing, 265.1×201.9×4.8, 81 inside teeth |
8P9293 | power shift transmission disc | paper facing, 184.8×125.9×4.9, 35 inside teeth |
8P9294 | power shift transmission disc | paper facing, 281.8×220.1×4.9, 61 inside teeth |
8R0807 | disc brake pad | organic facing, 180x72x22.5, brakepad |
8R0821 | disc brake pad | organic facing, 277.0×85.0x22.5, brakepad |
8R1932 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 237.7×101.5×18.6, lining |
8R1932 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 237.7×101.5×20.0, lining |
8R1932 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 237.7×101.5×21.5, lining |
8R7764 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 444.5×101.6×8.7, lining |
8R7776 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 127×19.05×296.9, lining |
8S2174 | steering clutch disc | sintered bronze, 457.2×342.9×4.7, 142 outside teeth |
8S2515 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 265x102x9.7, lining |
8S3522 | power shift transmission disc | steel mating plate, 353.1×263.1×6.35, 5 outside lugs |
8S4501 | brake lining | fully organic, 127x127x33.8, lining |
8S6324 | power shift transmission disc | sintered bronze, 331.4×244.9×5.0, 78 inside teeth |
8S6325 | power shift transmission disc | sintered bronze, 331.4×244.9×5, 78 inside teeth |
8S6326 | power shift transmission disc | sintered bronze, 431.8×337.7×5.6, 108 inside teeth |
8S9000 | master clutch disc | sintered bronze, 311.2×192.5×5.0, 62 inside teeth |
8S9077 | power shift transmission disc | sintered bronze, 431.8×337.7×5.6, 108 inside teeth |
8S9112 | power shift transmission disc | grafitic, 430.5×337.69×5.56, 80 inside teeth |
8V1661 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 3y0076, lining |
8V1662 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 3y0076, lining |
8W4938 | disc brake pad | organic facing, 397x125x28.5, brakepad |
8W4939 | disc brake pad | organic facing, 397x125x28.5, brakepad |
8W8555 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 3j9620, lining |
8W8699 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 327x177x19.1, lining |
8W9742 | engine brake facing | sintered bronze, 355.6×203.2×4, facing |
8X1900 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 445.8×98.4×9.5, lining |
8X7660 | master clutch plate | organic facing, 381×203.2×10.2, 16 splines |
8X7661 | master clutch plate | organic facing, 381×203.2×10.2, 16 splines |
8Y3781 | brake lining | fully organic, lining |
8Y3782 | brake lining | fully organic, lining |
8Y4138 | brake lining | fully organic, 76.2×6.4×140.5, lining |
8Y4139 | brake lining | fully organic, 76.2×6.4×140.5, lining |
8Y4382 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 6h1458, lining |
8Y4387 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 3y0076, lining |
8Y4388 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 3y0076, lining |
8Y6311 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 6x5h6030, lining |
9B2891 | master clutch plate | sintered bronze, 381×266.7×4.8, 33 inside teeth |
9C0566 | disc brake pad | organic facing, 397x125x28.5, brakepad |
9C0567 | disc brake pad | organic facing, 397x125x28.5, brakepad |
9C8021 | disc brake pad | organic facing, 325.5×101.5×28, brakepad |
9C8022 | disc brake pad | organic facing, 325.5×101.5×28, brakepad |
9D2089 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 3j9620, lining |
9F8976 | engine brake lining | sintered bronze, 104.9×38.1×4.7, lining |
9G2408 | power shift transmission disc | grafitic, 433×337.7×5.6, 80 inside teeth |
9G5287 | power shift transmission disc | grafitic, 433×337.7×5.6, 80 inside teeth |
9G7403 | power shift transmission disc | grafitic, 284.2×204.3×5, 65 inside teeth |
9H4280 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 6x5h6030, lining |
9H9347 | master clutch disc | fully organic, 311.1x159x11.2, 72 outside teeth |
9H9705 | power shift transmission disc | sintered bronze, 533.4×435.1×5.6, 138 inside teeth |
9H9709 | steering clutch disc | steel mating plate, 368.3x273x2.3, 8 inside lugs |
9M2176 | power shift transmission disc | sintered bronze, 286.1×204.7×5.1, 65 inside teeth |
9M6684 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 8s2515, lining |
9M7441 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 265x102x9.7, lining |
9M7442 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 244x152x9.7, lining |
9M7443 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 222.3x152x5.1, lining |
9M7468 | brake lining kit | fully organic, 244x152x9.7, lining |
9M7471 | master clutch disc | steel mating plate, 369.9×222.3×6.4, 72 outside teeth |
9M8654 | brake lining kit | fully organic, lining |
9M8663 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 9m8654, lining |
9M8664 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 9m8654, lining |
9M8665 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 9m8654, lining |
9N2671 | clutch disc | paper facing, 315.2x254x2.9, 152 outside teeth |
9P1861 | power shift transmission disc | paper facing, 240×172.6×5, 48 inside teeth |
9P1892 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 5h2307, lining |
9P1893 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 5h2307, lining |
9P1894 | brake lining | fully organic, bel. to 5h2307, lining |
9P3665 | power shift transmission disc | grafitic, 433×337.7×5.6, 80 inside teeth |
9P3667 | power shift transmission disc | grafitic, 433×337.7×5.6, 80 inside teeth |
9P4251 | power shift transmission disc | sintered bronze, 381×299.5×5.6, 96 inside teeth |
9P4252 | power shift transmission disc | sintered bronze, 353.1×229.9×5.6, 74 inside teeth |
9P4253 | power shift transmission disc | sintered bronze, 311.2×192.5×5.0, 62 inside teeth |
9P4254 | power shift transmission disc | sintered bronze, 286.1×204.7×5.1, 65 inside teeth |
9P4878 | power shift transmission disc | sintered bronze, 331.4×244.9×5.0, 78 inside teeth |
9P5254 | power shift transmission disc | sintered bronze, 381×299.5×5.6, 96 inside teeth |
9P5499 | power shift transmission disc | grafitic, 433×337.7×5.6, 80 inside teeth |
9P5500 | power shift transmission disc | grafitic, 433×337.7×5.6, 80 inside teeth |
9P6082 | power shift transmission disc | grafitic, 284.2×204.3×5, 65 inside teeth |
9P7101 | clutch disc | steel mating plate, 266x178x3.18, 6 outside lugs |
9P7390 | power shift transmission disc | grafitic, 345x271x5.6, 75 inside teeth |
9P9382 | steering clutch disc | grafitic, 384.6×291.3×4.7, 120 outside teeth |
9R2476 | brake disc | steel mating plate, 209.3×114.5×2.7, 1 outside lug |
9R2477 | brake disc | sintered bronze, 204.7×53.4×4.8, 22 inside teeth |
9S5209 | clutch disc | steel mating plate, 129.1×82.7×3.2, 40 outside teeth |
9S5211 | clutch disc | steel mating plate, 234.8×177.8×3.2, 6 outside lugs |
9S5244 | power shift transmission disc | steel mating plate, 477×355.6×6.7, 6 outside lugs |
9S8789 | power shift transmission disc | steel mating plate, 411.5×317.5×6.4, 5 outside lugs |
9S8792 | power shift transmission disc | steel mating plate, 306.3×213.4×6.4, 5 outside lugs |
9S9923 | power shift transmission disc | sintered bronze, 431.8×337.7×5.6, 108 inside teeth |
9V6165 | brake disc | steel mating plate, 487.1×308.1×2.4, 94 outside teeth |
9W0473 | engine brake lining | sintered bronze, 127×31.8×4.7, lining |
9W2473 | power shift transmission disc | grafitic, 433×337.7×5.6, 80 inside teeth |
9W3235 | engine brake lining | sintered bronze, 104.9×38.1×4.7, lining |
9W4662 | power shift transmission disc | sintered bronze, 286.1×204.7×5.1, 65 inside teeth |
9W7017 | brake disc | paper facing, 715.8×511.4×5.2, 102 inside teeth |
9W7018 | brake disc | paper facing, 495.3x308x5.2, 62 inside teeth |
9W7019 | brake disc | paper facing, 462.6x299x5.1, 60 inside teeth |
9W9856 | power shift transmission disc | grafitic, 433×337.7×5.6, 80 inside teeth |