In 2035 web browsing will not be through the pc but it will be perfectly integrated in the retina of the human eye, and you will come to the direct access of the information only with the mind.
The books obsolete and dusty (the only reliable source that testified the real events) were consumed as fuel after the oil crisis of 2055. So if someone already found it hard to believe in the existence of the Holocaust in 40 years it will ignore existence. Texts, photos, movies and everything else more handy than the product on the paper. On 17 May 2055 is printed on the last Italian national newspaper that reports on the front page entitled: “The Right to Palace: Berlusconi is President”.
Without oil in 2075 major manufacturers of internal combustion engines have failed and some of the best known merge into one company led by the students of Harvard University.
Meanwhile, in 2095 the “CLOUD” will be developed to the point that we no longer need to remember things because we have saved in the cloud. Disappear memories and therefore the true essence that makes us different from all the other aliens in the universe. Our dog will have learned English and remember our tax code because it will find imprinted by chance in the bowl of recycled plastic. Now to remind future generations the great heroic deeds of the old ones will paint pictures will not build monuments: leave available to a profile on instagram downloadable at any time from the comfort of the space station ISS.
In 2115 Cat Com is a community of eastern builders and manufactures turbines for interplanetary propulsion. The resources on Earth have been exhausted and the extractions of raw materials will occur on Mars and Mercury. In Italy the official language is Chinese and some still believe in the construction of no-genuine parts.