Diagnostic Error Code Information

Diagnostic Code Information for Caterpillar Electronic Control


The following Diagnostic Code information is used with Caterpillar machines that are equipped with Caterpillar Electronic Controls.

Module (MID), Component (CID), and Failure Mode (FMI), are information identifiers that help service personnel diagnose the system problems of a Caterpillar machine.

A Component Identifier (CID) is a diagnostic code that informs the service personnel of the specific circuit or system within which a problem was detected.

Failure Mode Identifiers (FMI) are diagnostic codes that inform service personnel of the type of problem that has been detected within a circuit or system.

A Module Identifier (MID) is a diagnostic code that identifies the electronic control module that has diagnosed a fault.

Event Codes identify significant events that occur to the systems of the machine. The ECM stores data from the events. This function allows tracking the performance history of the machine. The data is used as an aid for Managers, Service, and Maintenance personnel.

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